The evidence is mounting that the health of your gut microbiome is directly impacting your health, well-being, and risk for developing many serious and potentially debilitating chronic medical conditions and it is in our control if that is a negative or positive impact.
Kevin Devoto, has identified 5 steps that can help a person gain and maintain your gut Microbiome.
5 Tips to Gain and Maintain Healthy Gut Microbiome
1. Eat a Probiotic-Rich Diet
Fiber is perhaps the best friend of a healthy gut. It offers carbohydrates that your body cannot digest but hat makes an excellent food source for the beneficial probiotic bacteria that you want to encourage. It also helps encourage a healthy gut lining and may make gut bacteria more resistant to changing temperatures and environments.
In addition to traditional fiber-rich foods like beans and vegetables, try adding whole grains, bananas, chicory, and onions to your diet for their high levels of fructans.
2. Keep Sweetners to a Minimum or Use Natural Sweetners
While you want to increase fiber and overall carbohydrates, you’ll want to keep added sugars and artificial sweeteners to a minimum. Researchers are finding that these can lead to imbalances within the gut microbiome in animal studies, which may translate to higher increases of metabolic diseases in people.
Excess sweeteners can also negatively impact your blood glucose levels. This is linked to higher rates of disease and lower levels of and diversity within gut bacteria profiles.
Don’t worry too much about the sugars that naturally occur in fruits and vegetables. Instead, aim to keep added sweeteners to a minimum. The American Heart Association recommends keeping added sugars to less than about six teaspoons (or around 100 calories) per day for women and nine teaspoons (150 calories) per day for men.
3. Increase Exercise
Exercise improves your circulation and helps encourage lean muscle mass and definition. Both of those help the digestive system perform at its best. It also can help you control your weight, which can impact gut health and bacterial diversity.
You don’t have to suddenly transform into an uber athlete to see results. Take up walking during your lunch break, or try the new yoga class at the local recreation center to ease into exercising.
No matter what activities you decide on, aim to get at least the recommended 150 hours of moderate to intense exercise each week. Breaking that up into about 30 minutes of exercise on most days make sit a manageable task. If that still seems like a lot, break it into smaller ten-minute chunks spread throughout each day to start out. Strength training exercises are also recommended for the most health benefits.
4. Reduce Stress
That yoga class may give your gut health a boost beyond adding exercise to your day. Stress has been linked to less diversity among gut bacteria as well as disruptions in digestive functions.
Stress isn’t purely psychological either. Environmental factors like extreme temperatures and sleep deprivation can also stress out your digestive system. Encourage a healthy gut by reducing your exposure and resistance to stressors.
Be proactive and use management strategies like meditation, progressive relaxation, or deep breathing exercises to minimize the effects. Taking care of yourself by eating right, exercising, and getting plenty of rest can also help.
5. Stay Hydrated
Increasing your water consumption is a simple and easy way to increase your gut (and overall) health. While the advice has long been eight glasses of water a day, you actually need about twice that much fluid each day. Of course, some of that comes from water in the foods you eat.
Dehydration affects your body in many negative ways, going far beyond gut health. It leads to listlessness and fatigue, confusion and memory loss, and can cause problems with organ functions.
A quick way to check if you are drinking enough water is to check the color of your urine. It should be pale yellow or clear. Anything darker and you may need to up your water intake.
Reap the Benefits of a Healthy Gut
There are many benefits to fostering a healthy gut. It is linked to a lower incidence of chronic disease and healthier weight levels. It also appears to reduce inflammation and boost your immune system, which may help you fight off illnesses. Take these simple steps toward a healthier gut microbiome today to see how it affects your life. 22:13:092020-05-21 22:13:095 Tips to Gain and Maintain Healthy Gut Microbiome
If you’re not suffering from any sort of health issue that would prevent it then you have no excuse not to exercise. But we’ve become such a sedentary society that the only time that most of us are not sitting is when you’re walking to and from your car.
Yes, we sit in front of the TV. We sit in front of the computer. We sit at the table…
And most people who go to the gym sit down on the gym equipment! All that sitting has a negative effect on your digestion.
Few people stop to consider that exercise has a much bigger impact on your gut health then you might realize.
Below I’m going to cover just a few of the effects that exercise can have on your digestive health.
Exercise Improves Constipation
Weight bearing exercise has been shown to be a necessity for you to properly eliminate your bowels. When you perform weight bearing exercise on your feet, your abdominal area is forced to stabilize your spine which creates pressure within your abdominal cavity. And it’s this abdominal pressure that is responsible for simulating many of your internal organs to help you move the food you eat through your digestive tract. So without the right kind of exercise, you can easily become constipated!
Exercise Balances Blood Sugar and Hormone Production
This is because your blood sugar has such a drastic effect on your stress hormones and the production of cortisol in your body. And over-production of cortisol will turn off your body’s natural ability to heal, your gut included.
Exercise Improves Liver Function
We’ve discussed in the past that whenever the gut is impaired, then the liver becomes dysfunctional. And exercise can also help take some of the stress off the liver and to help it detoxify more efficiently.
For starters, exercise can help get blood moving throughout your body and to your liver more efficiently.
But aside from blood flow, your skin is actually one of your most important detoxification pathways in the body. So by working up a sweat, you are helping your body to eliminate toxins which can help take some stress off your liver.
Exercise Boosts Immune Function
Science is really only beginning to scratch the surface of understanding the complexity of the immune system because there are many different components involved.
But there have been plenty of studies on the direct effect of exercise and immune function. And it has been proven time and time again that moderate exercise can significantly improve your immune function and decrease inflammation within your body.
But the body is so complex in nature that these 4 simplified examples of how exercise can have a positive effect on gut healing is really just a small snapshot of what is really happening within your body when you exercise.
The key is to make sure that you’re taking advantage of the benefits of exercise because it’s not only a major contributing factor to your overall health but it can literally help accelerate the gut healing process.
CLICK HERE for a Free Report on an exercise program to help that can help 14:05:592020-05-18 14:05:59Can Exercise Affect Your Gut Health?
People need to understand how important gut health is AND how important it is to eat the right food AND make sure your body processes it correctly AND to keep the food moving all the way through the intestinal tract AND out of the intestinal tract.
Water and Walking
Two things I have found in my search to relive my chronic constipation have been to make sure I am properly hydrated and to get enough exercise to keep the bowels moving. With me and others our eating habits, age, gender, and health status all affect the number of bowel movements we experience in a given day. While there is no set number of bowel movements a person should have, it’s abnormal, unhealthy, possibly dangerous and downright uncomfortable to go four or fewer times per week.
The causes of constipation vary.
The condition may simply be due to such as things as dehydration or eating foods with too little fiber. In other, more serious cases, constipation can be the result of stress, hormonal changes, spinal injuries, muscle problems, cancers, and other structural problems affecting the digestive tract.
Lifestyle changes that can help you poop.
There are several lifestyle changes that can also keep your constipation at bay more permanently. For regularity, try to make these tips part of your daily habit.
Add more fiber to your diet, with fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, beans, and whole grains. You should consume at least 14 grams of fiber per day for every 1,000 calories in your diet. If you need to take a fiber supplement for chronic constipation, start with a low dose and increase as tolerated. For some people, a large amount of fiber can lead to bloating.
Exercise most days of the week with a daily walk, jog, bike ride, swim, or other form of exercise. Light exercise helps maintain proper circulation and can keep the bowels healthy.
Consume plenty of liquids — mostly water and other clear liquids — every day. Aim for at least eight 8-ounce glasses of clear liquids per day.
Manage your stress.
Never “hold in” your stool.
Prescription Drugs and Constipation
There are several lifestyle changes that can be made although in some cases there is one that can’t be changed. For me, it is the medicine I take to help stop epileptic seizures.
For people who’s prescription medicine is partly to blame for constipation must drink even more water and make sure they get enough excercise or just keep active so the bowels keep moving.
The following is a list of the things I and others have used to help stay more regular.
1. Take a fiber supplement
Fiber supplements are readily available and effective at inducing bowel movements if a low-fiber diet is the cause of your constipation. They work by adding bulk, or volume, to your stool. This helps push stool through your intestines and out of your body.
You can buy fiber supplements:
calcium polycarvophil (FiberCon)
psyllium (Metamucil, Konsyl)
methylcellulose (Citrucel)
2. Eat a serving of high-fiber food
Try these foods that are high in fiber:
whole-grain bread or cereal
fibrous veggies and fruits
rice and beans
Be sure to drink lots of water with these foods, as it will further help push your stool through your system.
3. Drink a glass of water
Proper hydration — typically at least eight 8-ounce glasses of clear liquid per day — is necessary for normal bowel movements. If you’re constipated and haven’t been drinking an adequate amount of water, consuming a large glass of water or other clear liquid may trigger a bowel movement.
4. Take a laxative stimulant
Laxative stimulants are designed to force a bowel movement by squeezing the intestines. Here are a few I have tried that have been successful.
All of theses are OTC supplements.
bisacodyl (Dulcolax, Ducodyl, Correctol)
senna-sennosides (Senokot)
5. Take an osmotic
Osmotic laxatives work slightly differently than stimulant laxatives. They’re designed to help move fluids through the colon. Some examples include:
magnesium hydroxide (Phillips Milk of Magnesia)
polyethylene glycol (MiraLAX)
magnesium citrate
Be careful you don’t take too much of this if you try it straight from the bottle
lactulose (Kristalose)
With a doctor’s prescription, you can obtain higher-strength polyethylene glycol, also called PEG (Golytely, Nulytely).
6. Try a lubricant laxative
Lubricant laxatives such as mineral oil add a slick coat to your intestine’s walls, allowing stool to move through your colon and out of your body more easily. Take mineral oil no more than two hours after your evening meal. Expect results within six to eight hours.
7. Use a stool softener
One common cause of constipation is dehydration, which can cause hard stool. Using a stool softener, such as docusate sodium (Colace) or docusate calcium (Surfak), can moisten the stool by pulling water from your intestines. This allows the stool to exit your body more easily.
8. Try an enema
There are several types of enemas that you can try. Enemas work by softening stool enough to produce a bowel movement. Some common types of enemas include sodium phosphate (Fleet), soapsuds, and tap water enemas. Learn about proper ways to administer an enema.
9. Try a suppository
Rectal suppositories also help encourage bowel movements by softening stool. Try a glycerin or bisacodyl suppository. Both of which are OTC.
10. Get in a squat position to poop
Bring a small footstool into your bathroom the next time you need to poop. Placing your feet on a stool in front of the toilet while you poop — so your body is essentially in a squatting position instead of in a seated position —can help you pass stool without straining. Squatty Potty makes an inexpensive one that has worked for me.
11. Get some exercise
Light exercise, such as walking or jogging, can encourage bowel movements by increasing blood flow throughout your abdomen.
When to see a doctor
Chronic constipation can make it challenging for a person to focus on their daily tasks and activities. If your constipation lasts more than a week and doesn’t respond to treatment, it’s time to see a doctor to rule out serious causes. See a doctor right away if your constipation is accompanied by dizziness, fatigue, cramping, or spasms. 15:31:332020-05-17 15:47:02Can You Make Yourself Poop?
It should be no surprise that constipation is a major problem among those who suffer from Leaky Gut Syndrome. It is a common occurrence anytime that your digestive tract becomes dysfunctional. But the good news is that there are plenty of natural constipation remedies that can be very effective at helping you not only overcome constipation but to also help regulate your digestive tract and improve your health all at the same time.
Please Note: If you suffer from diarrhea which is also very common with Leaky Gut Syndrome, much of this still applies to you.
And most people seeking natural constipation remedies have been suffering from chronic constipation for many years. And this can have a significant impact on your health because if you are not removing your toxic waste then your body is reabsorbing it. You are also creating a breeding ground for bacterial infections, parasites, and Candida. And this is part of the process that is creating inflammation and holding you back from healing.
If you study the lifestyle habits of many different native cultures around the world that are without the influence of all of the Leaky Gut Syndrome causes, you’ll find that they have perfect digestion and do not suffer from Leaky Gut or any of the degenerative diseases that are common among us today. And under these conditions, it is commonly found that they have multiple bowel movements each day and typically one within 12 hours after every meal they eat.
So if you’re not finding yourself moving your bowels at least one to two times per day then you need to pay special attention to these natural constipation remedies.
Test for Bowel Transit Time
It should also be noted that even if you are going one or more times per day, you can still be constipated. Constipation is also a factor of your transit time. So, if you eat a meal and it takes two or three days before that meal reaches your colon and is eliminated then you are still constipated.
But you can easily test your transit time to ensure that it is in the 12 to 24 hour time frame which is considered normal.
Just follow these instructions below before using any of the natural constipation remedies in order to get a baseline of your transit time so you can measure improvement.
After your next bowel movement, you can either eat red beats or find an all natural food coloring and add it to your meal.
Keep a lookout and see how long it takes before you notice the red coloring and note the number of hours between
The red coloring from the beats or food coloring will not be absorbed and will be noticeable in your stool.
Natural Constipation Remedies
There are plenty of natural constipation remedies out there but it only makes sense to start with the basics before you start adding fibers or other laxatives. These are probably the most common sources of constipation so they are the best place to begin.
Natural Constipation Remedies – Dehydration
Regardless of your level of health, the vast majority of constipated people in the world are chronically dehydrated. They drink all kinds of other liquids, many of which are diuretics and cause them to lose even more water.
A general rule is to make sure that you are drinking a minimum of half your body weight (lbs.) in ounces of water every day. If you weigh 200 lbs. then you should be drinking at least 100 ounces of water daily.
Natural Constipation Remedies – Sodium Chloride
It’s very common to avoid salt like the plague today. It’s been linked to heart disease amongst other health issues. And while this is somewhat true for highly processed and toxic salts, there’s another side of the story that you need to know.
We need salt in our diets in order to maintain the proper electrolyte ratios and to maintain our health. And most people need much more salt than they are getting.
And one of the functions of salt is to help your body to better absorb and utilize water which also helps with dehydration. If your body can’t absorb the water you drink then it sure can’t use it to relieve constipation.
Natural Constipation Remedies – Your Diet
Your diet has a big influence over your bowels, transit time, and constipation. Processed foods are a common cause of constipation because they disrupt the entire digestive tract as well as being low in natural fiber and void of essential nutrients. They also promote dysbiosis which greatly affects constipation more so than most people realize.
Food allergies are also something to take into consideration. A common symptom of food allergies is constipation so it’s best to determine and avoid the foods you are sensitive to.
Your diet should be focused around foods in their natural forms that are not processed and how Mother Nature intended them to be eaten.
While most people are stuck looking for a pill, powder, or miracle to fix their constipation, oftentimes the problem can be corrected with some simple lifestyle changes. So it’s important to rule out the obvious and put these natural constipation remedies to use before you jump ahead of yourself and introduce anything additional to your daily regime. 16:31:252020-05-16 16:31:25Can You Clear Up Constipation Without Medication?
It should be no surprise that constipation is a major problem among those who suffer from Leaky Gut Syndrome. It is a common occurrence anytime that your digestive tract becomes dysfunctional. But the good news is that there are plenty of natural constipation remedies that can be very effective at helping you not only overcome constipation but to also help regulate your digestive tract and improve your health all at the same time.
Please Note: If you suffer from diarrhea which is also very common with Leaky Gut Syndrome, much of this still applies to you.
And most people seeking natural constipation remedies have been suffering from chronic constipation for many years. And this can have a significant impact on your health because if you are not removing your toxic waste then your body is reabsorbing it. You are also creating a breeding ground for bacterial infections, parasites, and Candida. And this is part of the process that is creating inflammation and holding you back from healing.
If you study the lifestyle habits of many different native cultures around the world that are without the influence of all of the Leaky Gut Syndrome causes, you’ll find that they have perfect digestion and do not suffer from Leaky Gut or any of the degenerative diseases that are common among us today. And under these conditions, it is commonly found that they have multiple bowel movements each day and typically one within 12 hours after every meal they eat.
So if you’re not finding yourself moving your bowels at least one to two times per day then you need to pay special attention to these natural constipation remedies.
Test for Bowel Transit Time
It should also be noted that even if you are going one or more times per day, you can still be constipated. Constipation is also a factor of your transit time. So, if you eat a meal and it takes two or three days before that meal reaches your colon and is eliminated then you are still constipated.
But you can easily test your transit time to ensure that it is in the 12 to 24 hour time frame which is considered normal.
Just follow these instructions below before using any of the natural constipation remedies in order to get a baseline of your transit time so you can measure improvement.
After your next bowel movement, you can either eat red beats or find an all natural food coloring and add it to your meal.
Keep a lookout and see how long it takes before you notice the red coloring and note the number of hours between
The red coloring from the beats or food coloring will not be absorbed and will be noticeable in your stool.
Natural Constipation Remedies
There are plenty of natural constipation remedies out there but it only makes sense to start with the basics before you start adding fibers or other laxatives. These are probably the most common sources of constipation so they are the best place to begin.
Natural Constipation Remedies – Dehydration
Regardless of your level of health, the vast majority of constipated people in the world are chronically dehydrated. They drink all kinds of other liquids, many of which are diuretics and cause them to lose even more water.
A general rule is to make sure that you are drinking a minimum of half your body weight (lbs.) in ounces of water every day. If you weigh 200 lbs. then you should be drinking at least 100 ounces of water daily.
Natural Constipation Remedies – Sodium Chloride
It’s very common to avoid salt like the plague today. It’s been linked to heart disease amongst other health issues. And while this is somewhat true for highly processed and toxic salts, there’s another side of the story that you need to know.
We need salt in our diets in order to maintain the proper electrolyte ratios and to maintain our health. And most people need much more salt than they are getting.
And one of the functions of salt is to help your body to better absorb and utilize water which also helps with dehydration. If your body can’t absorb the water you drink then it sure can’t use it to relieve constipation.
Natural Constipation Remedies – Your Diet
Your diet has a big influence over your bowels, transit time, and constipation. Processed foods are a common cause of constipation because they disrupt the entire digestive tract as well as being low in natural fiber and void of essential nutrients. They also promote dysbiosis which greatly affects constipation more so than most people realize.
Food allergies are also something to take into consideration. A common symptom of food allergies is constipation so it’s best to determine and avoid the foods you are sensitive to.
Your diet should be focused around foods in their natural forms that are not processed and how Mother Nature intended them to be eaten.
Let Me Repeat This – Dehydration
Regardless of your level of health, the vast majority of constipated people in the world are chronically dehydrated. They drink all kinds of other liquids, many of which are diuretics and cause them to lose even more water.
A general rule is to make sure that you are drinking a minimum of half your body weight (lbs.) in ounces of water every day. If you weigh 200 lbs. then you should be drinking at least 100 ounces of water daily.
Water – THE Best Place to Start When Fighting Constipation
While most people are stuck looking for a pill, powder, or miracle to fix their constipation, oftentimes the problem can be corrected with some simple lifestyle changes. So it’s important to rule out the obvious and put these natural constipation remedies to use before you jump ahead of yourself and introduce anything additional to your daily regime. 14:20:092020-05-14 14:20:09What a Relief! A Major Cause of Constipation is Fixable
Leaky gut is a misunderstood ailment that has such a negative impact on your physical and mental well-being. We wanted to bring you a report from By Dr. Josh Axe, DC, DMN, CNS.
He starts by saying, “If you’ve been around the natural health world very long, you’ve probably heard of a condition known as leaky gut syndrome. It sounds pretty gross, but it’s an important enough problem to consider. There are several leaky gut symptoms to be aware of, which is particularly important since leaky gut is associated with dozens of related conditions and diseases.
As more Americans are affected by poor diet choices, chronic stress, toxic overload and bacterial imbalance, it appears that the prevalence of leaky gut has reached epidemic proportions. The medical profession is just now agreeing this condition may even exist, which is especially shocking to me because “intestinal permeability” (another name for leaky gut) has been discussed in the medical literature for over 100 years!
Why should leaky gut syndrome concern you? Recently leaky gut has been called a “danger signal for autoimmune disease.” (1) If you’re wondering if you may be experiencing leaky gut, the first thing to do is access your symptoms. Keep in mind that it’s very common for people on a Standard American Diet to struggle with poor gut function and high levels of inflammation — but just because digestive issues and autoimmune conditions are common doesn’t make them “normal”!
In this article, I’ve outlined a brief description of common leaky gut syndrome seen in people struggling with this condition. Can you heal leaky gut syndrome? As you’ll learn about below, there are four steps I recommend taking in order to repair leaky gut, which includes removing trigger foods from your diet, taking beneficial supplements and rebalancing your microflora with probiotics.
What Is Leaky Gut Syndrome?
The father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, said, “All disease begins in the gut.” More than two millennia after his death, scientific research has now proven he was onto something all those years ago. For over three decades, study after study has been published (several thousand articles exist to date) discussing our growing understanding of immunity, gut function and how modern diets and lifestyles negatively contribute to overall health by damaging our digestive system.
I (and many others in the medical field) refer to this particular phenomenon as leaky gut syndrome. In the medical literature, leaky gut is also referred to as “intestinal hyperpermeability.”
What Causes Leaky Gut?
The intestines are protected by a single layer of specialized epithelial cells that are linked together by tight junction (or TJ) proteins. Leaky gut symptoms are a consequence of intestinal tight-junction malfunction.
These tight junctionsare the gateway between your intestines and your bloodstream. They control what is allowed to pass into the bloodstream from your digestive system. More than 40 different TJ proteins have now been recognized to play a role in gut health. Tight junctions have a very precise job — they have to maintain the delicate balance between allowing vital nutrients to enter your bloodstream, while remaining small enough to prevent xenobiotics (disease-causing compounds from your diet or lifestyle) from passing out of your digestive system into the rest of your body. (1)
Here’s how a report published in the journal Frontiers in Immunology describes the pathology of leaky gut: (2)
The intestinal epithelial lining, together with factors secreted from it, forms a barrier that separates the host from the environment. In pathologic conditions, the permeability of the epithelial lining may be compromised allowing the passage of toxins, antigens, and bacteria in the lumen to enter the bloodstream creating a ‘leaky gut.’
When you have leaky gut, certain tiny particles that should never be able to enter your bloodstream start to make their way through. There’s also commonly abnormalities in the gut stemming from antimicrobial molecules, immunoglobulins and cytokine activities. This presents a major problem, as the vast majority of your immune system is found inside the gut.
The result? A disruption of acute inflammation, and sometimes autoimmune reactions. A normal part of your immune response that serves to fight infections and diseases winds up over-performing, leading to chronic inflammation, which is at the root of most diseases.
Some of the underlying causes of leaky gut include:
Genetic predisposition — certain people may be more predisposed to developing leaky gut because they are sensitive to environmental factors that “trigger” their bodies into initiating autoimmune responses.
Poor diet — especially a diet that includes allergens and inflammatory foods such as un-sprouted grains, added sugar, GMOs, refined oils, synthetic food additives and conventional dairy products.
Chronic stress
Toxin overload — including high drug and alcohol consumption. We come into contact with over 80,000 chemicals and toxins every single year, but the worst offenders for causing leaky gut include antibiotics, pesticides, tap water, aspirin and NSAIDS. I recommend buying a high-quality water filter to eliminate chlorine and fluoride and look to natural plant-based herbs to reduce inflammation in your body.
Bacterial imbalance — also called dysbiosis, which means an imbalance between beneficial and harmful species of bacteria in your gut. A large body of evidence now shows that gut microbiota is important in supporting the epithelial barrier and preventing autoimmune reactions. At least 10 percent of all gene transcriptions found in intestinal epithelial cells that are related to immunity, cell proliferation and metabolism are regulated by gut microbiota.
How Serious Is Leaky Gut Syndrome?
Well, according to a 2014 review of the facts and research about intestinal permeability (among other sources), the chronic condition of hyperpermeability is linked to numerous symptoms and health conditions.
What are the symptoms of leaky gut? Some of the most prominent signs you may have leaky gut include: (3)
While these diseases are linked to leaky gut syndrome, it hasn’t been proven that there is a causal relationship; in other words, it’s not yet established that leaky gut causes any of these conditions, just that people who have leaky gut are more likely to have a number of other health problems. So while the scientific evidence has not yet proven that intestinal hyperpermiability (leaky gut syndrome) is actually responsible for these conditions, it strongly suggests that leaky gut and other dysfunctions tend to occur simultaneously. (8)
Symptoms and Signs
How do you know if you have leaky gut? Below you’ll find seven leaky gut symptoms and early occurring conditions that may point to an issue with your gut health.
1. Food Sensitivities
Because of the onslaught of toxins that enter the bloodstream, the immune systems of people with intestinal hyperpermeability are on overdrive mass-producing various antibodies, which may make their bodies more susceptible to antigens in certain foods (especially gluten and dairy). In studies involving rats and human children, leaky gut and food allergies have been linked. (9, 10) Allergies are believed to be one of the most common leaky gut symptoms.
2. Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Researchers from Hungary uncovered in 2012 that elevated gut permeability is oftentimes localized to the colon in people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis. (11) As far back as 1988, scientists suggested that Crohn’s disease may be more of a risk for people with leaky gut. (12)
A small study (observing 12 patients) discovered that zinc supplementation may help resolve the tight junction dysfunction in these cases, although more research is required on a larger scale to confirm these results. (13)
3. Autoimmune Disease
The key to understanding how leaky gut can cause an autoimmune disease is through the research done on a protein known as “zonulin.” According to a 2011 article published in the journal Physiologic Reviews: (14)
Zonulin is the only physiological modulator of intercellular tight junctions described so far that is involved in trafficking of macromolecules and, therefore, in tolerance/immune response balance. When the finely tuned zonulin pathway is deregulated in genetically susceptible individuals, both intestinal and extraintestinal autoimmune, inflammatory, and neoplastic disorders can occur.
Eating gluten may trigger this dangerous cascade. University of Maryland School of Medicine researchers have uncovered that gluten “activates zonulin signaling irrespective of the genetic expression of autoimmunity, leading to increased intestinal permeability to macromolecules.” (15)
The good news is that, at least as far as leaky gut plays a role in autoimmune conditions, it is reversible and could potentially alleviate some of these problematic immune responses. (16)
4. Thyroid Problems
One of the autoimmune diseases that leaky gut syndrome may directly affect is Hashimoto’s disease. (17) Also known as “chronic thyroiditis,” this disorder is displayed with hypothyroidism (low thyroid function), impaired metabolism, fatigue, depression, weight gain and a host of other concerns.
5. Nutrient Malabsorption
In my patients I saw at my Nashville chiropractic clinic from 2007 to 2014, I observed various nutritional deficiencies resulting from leaky gut, including vitamin B12, magnesium and digestive enzymes. Those common nutrient deficiencies are one reason why many functional medicine practitioners prescribe a whole-food multivitamin in addition to probiotics for people suffering leaky gut problems.
6. Inflammatory Skin Conditions
First described over 70 years ago, the gut-skin connection theory has described how intestinal hyperpermeability can cause a slew of skin conditions, particularly acne and psoriasis. (18) Creams and drugs with endless lists of (sometimes dangerous) side effects are often prescribed for these skin disorders, yet there has been evidence for several decades that part of the root cause might exist in the gut.
7. Mood Issues and Autism
According to a study published in the journal Neuroendocrinology Letters, leaky gut has been shown to cause various neurocognitive disorders. For example, the inflammatory response characteristic of intestinal hyperpermeability triggers the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and other chemicals that are thought to induce depression. (19)
A study published in the journal Nutritional Neuroscience described the “vicious circle between immune system impairment and increasing dysbiosis that leads to leaky gut and neurochemical compounds and/or neurotoxic xenobiotics production and absorption.”
The authors go on to describe findings from a number of studies that point to their theory that autism may be connected to problems in the gut microbiome, particularly within the first year of life. (20) It is actually a common hypothesis in modern science that leaky gut is strongly related to autism. (21)
What the Medical Community Has to Say About Leaky Gut Syndrome
Do most conventional doctors support the idea that leaky gut is real?
WebMD refers to leaky gut as “something of a medical mystery.”(22) This isn’t surprising, since it’s not a diagnosis that most doctors have been taught in medical school. “From an MD’s standpoint, it’s a very gray area,” says gastroenterologist Donald Kirby, MD – Director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the Cleveland Clinic. In his opinion, “Physicians don’t know enough about the gut, which is our biggest immune system organ.” (21)
To make matters worse, government agencies have also contributed to the confusion. According to the United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS), “There is currently little evidence to support the theory that a porous bowel is the direct cause of any significant, widespread problems.” (23)
Yet, not everyone agrees. A roundtable review quotes the researchers at seven different European universities in 2014 agreeing upon the following: (24)
Alteration of the gut barrier seems to have multiple consequences facilitating the onset of a variety of diseases depending on other hits and on genetic or epigenetic constellations, respectively. The growing significance of the gut barrier and bacterial translocation raises the questions of how we can improve gut barrier functions and gut microbiota.
So while it’s encouraging that science is coming around to leaky gut syndrome being a real problem, we are by no means at a point where there are standard diagnostic tools for testing and treating leaky gut.
In the Western/conventional medical world, if there are no standard diagnostic criteria for a disease, then there are no specific therapies or treatments available. Moreover, if there are no “proven” treatment models, then most MD’s are left with no other choice than to follow what they believe to be the “safe path” and prescribe drugs that only treat leaky gut symptoms. For example, medications (like proton pump inhibitors or antacids) can be used to manage symptoms like acid reflux medications but these drugs don’t solve the root problem.
Because much of the medical community denies leaky gut’s very existence, it’s critical that you understand what leaky gut is and what to look out for in case you or a loved one is affected by it. The good news is that many functional and integrative medicine practitioners have a greater understanding of this condition than they did even a decade ago. They are much more likely to help you determine if you are suffering from leaky gut syndrome and to give you tools to help repair your gut.
How Do You Get Rid of Leaky Gut?
Now that we’ve been talked about leaky gut symptoms, causes and opinions, let’s talk about how to test for and repair leaky gut.
How do you test for leaky gut?
Several leaky gut syndrome tests are available that can help confirm a diagnosis and point you in the right treatment direction. Tests are helpful for identifying specific sensitivities and uncovering which types of toxins or deficiencies are contributing to your symptoms. Leaky gut tests include:
Zonulin or Lactulose Tests
IgG Food Intolerance Test
Stools Tests
Organic Acid Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies Tests
Lactulose Mannitol Test
What leaky gut treatments are available?
After years of research and patient care, I developed a four-step process for helping to heal leaky gut. I cover this process in my article entitled the Leaky Gut Diet and Treatment Plan. If you’re concerned that you or a loved one may have leaky gut symptoms, I encourage you to read the detailed instructions, food suggestions and recommended leaky gut supplements listed in this article.
The basic steps to healing leaky gut are as follows:
Remove foods and factors that damage the gut.
Replace these with healing foods as you follow an anti-inflammatory leaky gut diet.
Repair the gut with specific leaky gut supplements like butyric acid.
Rebalance your microbiome with probiotics (beneficial bacteria). This is key because bacteria in your gut are a major component of the intestinal barrier. They help promote resistance to the colonization of harmful or pathogenic bacteria species by competing for nutrients. Gut microbiota also regulate the digestion and absorption of nutrients and help supply epithelial cells with energy.
Two of the most commons questions people ask are: “What can I eat if I have leaky gut syndrome? And what should I NOT eat when I have leaky gut?”
If you’re struggling with leaky gut or other GI issues, remove processed foods — including un-sprouted grains, added sugar, GMO’s, refined oils, synthetic additives and conventional dairy products. A healing leaky gut syndrome diet includes foods like:
Raw cultured dairy (like kefir, yogurt, amasai, butter and raw cheeses)
Fermented vegetables and other probiotics foods. Probiotics may help reverse leaky gut by enhancing the production of tight junction proteins that defend against intestinal permeability.
Coconut products
Sprouted seeds (like chia seeds, flaxseeds and hemp seeds)
Foods with omega-3 fatty acids, especially salmon and other wild-caught fish
Other nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory foods like grass-fed beef, lamb, other fresh veggies and most fruits, apple cider vinegar, sea veggies, and other superfoods
Final Thoughts
Leaky gut syndrome is classified by malfunction in the intestinal tight junctions in the digestive tract, allowing larger-than-usual particles to pass from the digestive system into the bloodstream. When this occurs, the balance of inflammatory immune responses is disrupted, leading to chronic inflammation and poor immunity.
Although no causal relationships have yet been officially established, leaky gut is correlated with a large number of issues and diseases, including digestive disorders, depression, autism, celiac disease, autoimmune disease and more.
Common leaky gut symptoms include: food sensitivities, digestive issues, autoimmune disease, thyroid dysfunction, nutrient malabsorption, inflammatory skin conditions and brain-related issues such as depression and autism.
Leaky gut syndrome is not a recognized diagnosis in the medical community yet — but I’m confident it will be recognized someday, due to the vast body of research that has already been conducted.
If you suffer from any leaky gut symptoms, I encourage you to consult with your naturopathic doctor about options for treatment. I’ve seen many people improve when adjusting to a healing diet, rather than a disease and inflammation-causing one. In addition, there are helpful dietary supplements many people implement to support better gut health. 15:57:552020-05-10 15:57:557 Warning Signs You May Have Leaky Gut Syndrome 21:14:212020-04-25 21:14:21Free e-Book about Training & Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean-Body
…or did it take a while to force yourself up and out of bed, after being rudely shaken out of your slumber by that stupid alarm clock buzz, buzz, buzzing in your ear?
Did your body feel “young” and energetic as you got up, or…
…Were you achy and groggy from another restless night’s sleep?
When you looked yourself in the mirror, did you see a fresh, young face, or…
…Did you stagger into the bathroom, ankles and knees creaking , hunched over from back pain and tightness, and see an old version of yourself staring back through the mirror ? With bags under your eyes, dry & graying hair, wrinkled & dry skin?
When you looked down as you got dressed did you see a fit, lean, and healthy body, or…
… Did you see an ever-growing stomach, soft, “flabby” fat, and a body that’s become weak, tired and soft?
What goes through your mind as you look at yourself?
Are you happy with the way you look and feel, or…
… Are you frustrated by your life , with your lack of health, and with your inability to lose weight and keep it off ?
Do you mumble to yourself, “What the hell? How did I get to look and feel like this? ”
Are you at ease and peaceful, or stressed as you get ready for your day?
Do you have to drink multiple cups of coffee before you can even think about being productive and nice?
Do you drink more throughout the day, or even worse, use energy drinks and soda, because you have wild energy swings where you go from feeling good and energetic… to crashing and feeling like you need a nap?
Do you get winded easy? Lose your breath after you’ve gone up a flight of stairs, or as you rush out the door to your car?
How’s your digestion? Do you have comfortable bowel movements, or is your life all about digestive issues like constipation, bloating, bouts of diarrhea, and indigestion?
How many times have you promised yourself you were going to lose weight, and maybe even did, but then put it all back on… and more?
How many times in the last couple years have you started a “diet” or workout program? Once, twice, 10 times?
How do your failures make you feel?
If you and I were sitting face-to-face, and I asked you point blank, after all you just read, “How do you feel?” What would you say?
Look, weight gain, and weight loss, are serious concerns of yours, and I get it…
… but these other issues are also very serious:
Joint pain, muscle weakness, digestive issues, “old” skin and hair, stubborn belly fat, zero energy, and an addiction to carbohydrates…
… and they’re ALL connected.
You may be thinking this all sounds crazy, but let me ask you this…
How many of the following are you currently struggling with?
Stubborn belly fat that will NOT go awa y, regardless of the diets you try
Painful or uncomfortable bloating (especially after eating meals)
Fat gain in strange places (chest in men, belly in ladies, for example)
Dry, aging skin & hair (looking older than you really are…)
Energy swings (low energy before eating, high after… then crash)
Constant craving of carbohydrates
Trouble sleeping (can’t fall asleep and/or stay asleep)
Moody and irritable if you get too hungry
Your gut & stubborn belly fat…
There is growing evidence showing the connection between a “leaky” gut and issues such as weight gain, thyroid problems, Type-2 Diabetes, a lack of energy, digestion problems (constipation, bloating, gas, diarrhea, indigestion, etc.).
Basically, your gut works like this…
Your entire digestive system, from your mouth to your hind end, is one long tube that’s actually outside your body… even though it’s inside.
This long tube has very strong barriers that keep toxic substances OUT of your body, and when these barriers are damaged, as in the case of leaky gut, then food particles and toxins that are not supposed to make it into your blood stream and lymph system, are there, which then makes organs like your liver have to work double time to get rid of this toxicity.
This heavy workload then makes your liver get sluggish and bogged down (imagine yourself having to do the job of 10 people in half the time and how that would make you feel)…
When your liver gets sluggish it makes it nearly IMPOSSIBLE to burn fat, because that’s where your fat gets processed…
… but it all starts in your gut.
Your intestines have small hair-like features that line their walls that help shuttle food along, aid in digestion, and help shuttle nutrients from your digestive system into your bloodstream to be used by your body.
Unfortunately the foods you eat, including many foods falsely labeled as “healthy”, as well as too much stress, a lack of sleep, too much alcohol, a lack of Vitamin D, and more can damage this delicate system…
… Causing toxins to be “leaked” into your body, leading to weight gain, an inability to LOSE weight, achy joints, constipation, bloating, rapidly aging skin, zero energy, hormone problems, etc. What foods can lead to such a horrible situation?
The biggest culprits are the “health foods” you eat every day, and have been told are the healthiest by big food corporations, your doctor, health teachers, and even the government.
You often hear vague claims in the news that “sugar is bad for you” or that “wheat and gluten are bad for you”, but do you truly understand what these foods do to your insides?
Most people DON’T understand the reasons …
…and the fact is that some of the foods you’re going to discover can not only DESTROY your digestive system, but also hormones and metabolism.
Not only that, but as you’ll see below, there’s a common plant-based food that you probably eat in restaurants frequently (I bet you ate this at least ONCE in the last week), and this common plant food is proven to CAUSE heart attacks!
You’ll also discover exactly what you need to understand to eat in a way that BOOSTS your metabolism, balances hormones, FIGHTS stubborn belly fat, heals your gut, and increases your energy, regardless of your “bad genetics”.
So let’s get right to it…
The 3 reasons you should NEVER eat wheat — Yes, even “whole wheat”
There are 3 main reasons why wheat is a terrible food for your body and does more harm than good…
Reason #1 — Wheat causes blood sugar disruption, Glycation of your cells, increases AGING, weight gain & boosts Diabetes risk
Before I tell you why wheat can actually speed up the aging process in your body, let’s clarify some simple biochemistry in your body…
This deals with “glycation” in your body, and substances called Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs). These nasty little compounds called AGEs speed up the aging process in your body including damage over time to your organs, your joints, and of course, wrinkled skin.
So with that said, what is one of the biggest factors that increase production of AGEs inside your body?
This may surprise you, but high blood sugar levels over time dramatically increase age-accelerating AGEs in your body.
This is why type 2 diabetics many times appear that they have not aged well and look older than their real age. But this age-increasing effect is NOT just limited to diabetics.
So, let’s get back to how “whole wheat” relates to this…
Here is a little-known fact that’s often covered up by the massive marketing campaigns by giant food companies that want you to believe that “whole wheat” is healthy for you…
… But the fact is that wheat contains a very unusual type of carbohydrate (not found in other foods) called Amylopectin-A , which has been found in some tests to spike your blood sugar HIGHER than even pure table sugar.
In fact, amylopectin-A (from wheat) raises your blood sugar MORE than almost any other carbohydrate source on earth based on blood sugar response testing that’s documented in studies.
This means that wheat-based foods such as breads, bagels, cereals, muffins, and other baked goods often cause MUCH higher blood sugar levels than most other carbohydrate sources.
If you don’t believe me, here’s something you should know… I ran personal blood sugar tests on myself using a blood glucometer about 45 minutes after eating 2 slices of wheat bread vs eating a bowl of oatmeal, with equivalent grams of carbohydrates.
The blood sugar test results of wheat vs oatmeal :
2 slices of whole wheat toast :
45 minutes after consumption: Blood sugar spiked from 86 fasting level to 155
1 Bowl of Oatmeal (equivalent grams of carbs to 2 slices wheat toast)
45 minutes after consumption: Blood sugar increased from 86 fasting level to 112
As you know now, the higher your average blood sugar levels are over time, the more AGEs are formed inside your body, which makes you age FASTER.
Clearly, the whole wheat spiked blood sugar MUCH higher than the oatmeal, and if you don’t know, 155 is a massive blood sugar reading that will certainly contribute to faster aging if you eat wheat frequently… and most people eat wheat without even thinking about it at almost EVERY meal…Yikes!
Not only that, but the high blood sugar spikes caused by wheat also makes your body pump out more insulin which makes you pack on more body fat … Not fun at all!
These massive blood sugar spikes from eating wheat daily also cause damage over time to your blood sugar regulation system, harming your pancreas, causing insulin resistance, and eventually causing type 2 Diabetes . I think we have a strong case against eating so-called “healthy” wheat!
Reason #2 — Gluten and other gut-damaging compounds
The topic of gluten is on fire in the media lately…
…But most people are confused as to whether there’s any real health risks with gluten for the average person that doesn’t have Celiac disease.
The truth is that even if you are not officially “gluten intolerant ” or “gluten sensitive “, there are hundreds of published studies that indicate that gluten can cause inflammation in your digestive system , and even cause “permeability” in your gut, which can lead to a health condition that’s on the rise lately called Leaky Gut , as well as other digestive issues and autoimmune problems .
Scientists theorize that the reason gluten is causing these digestive system problems is due to the excessive hybridization of wheat over the last 50 years, which has created newly modified gluten molecules that are foreign to the human digestive system compared to the ancient wheat that humans ate for several thousand years historically, and even compared to the wheat that your grandparents ate 50+ years ago.
Reason #3 — Antinutrients and mineral blockers in wheat
The third reason that wheat is terrible for you is that it contains what’s called “antinutrients “, which are naturally occurring compounds in the wheat plant, but can cause undesirable effects in humans that eat too much of them.
One of these antinutrients is called phytates , which blocks the absorption in your body of certain minerals like zinc, iron, manganese, and calcium if you eat wheat too often.
Again, most people eat wheat with almost every meal (cereal in the morning, bread on sandwich at lunch, and pasta or bread at dinner), so this can cause a mineral deficiency in your body over time that leads to many health conditions.
Wheat has other mineral blockers and antinutrients aside from phytates, such as lectins. Lectins are another constituent of wheat that causes gut irritation . Yet another reason to minimize or eliminate wheat from your diet.
There’s absolutely nothing “essential” about wheat in the human diet …It simply does more harm than good…period.
Many people often ask me… “But what about the FIBER in wheat? I thought that’s why it’s supposed to be healthy?”
Sorry, you can get ALL of the fiber you need from fruits, veggies, and nuts, without the digestive system damage and massive blood sugar issues that are caused by wheat.
Note: It’s important to keep reading this page because I’ll show you how to get access to ALL of my best secrets for AVOIDING wheat, but still eating amazingly delicious meals that BOOST your metabolism, BALANCE your hormones, FIGHT diabetes, and also help reduce abdominal fat. It’s easier than you think, so don’t think that eating healthy has to be “boring” like so many people foolishly believe.
The 3 reasons you should NEVER use Vegetable Oils…
Although vegetable oil has a healthy sounding name, it’s NOT made from vegetables…As you might already know, vegetable oil actually comes from any combination of corn oil, soybean oil, canola oil, safflower oil, and/or cottonseed oil, ALL of which are absolutely terrible for your health.
In fact, they are downright deadly , and I’m not exaggerating. Here’s why…
Reason #1 — Vegetable oils usually contain deadly trans fats, even if non-hydrogenated
You already KNOW that trans fats are deadly, so I won’t go into all of the science as to why trans fats kill you and DAMAGE your cell membranes in your body…leading to all sorts of scary health problems like cancer, obesity, Alzheimer’s, heart disease , and more.
Knowing these facts, I’m sure you already know to stay away from foods that contain partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. You’ve heard that a million times before.
However, what you probably DON’T know is that even non-hydrogenated vegetable oils (all vegetable oils are refined) also contain some trans fats due to the extremely high heat, solvents, and pressure they are exposed to during the refining process. And yes, this includes so-called “expeller pressed” vegetable oils as well.
All of this high heat and high pressure processing along with the use of hexane solvents actually forces some of the polyunsaturated content of vegetable oils (yes, even so-called “healthy” canola oil) to be transformed into trans fats and something even worse that we’ll talk about in a minute called “MegaTrans “.
According to Dr. Mary Enig, PhD, and Nutritional Biochemist, “Although the Canadian government lists the trans fat content of canola at a minimal 0.2 percent, research at the University of Florida at Gainesville, found trans fat levels as high as 4.6 percent in commercial liquid canola oil “.
And this is the garbage that the government and giant food conglomerates are marketing to you as a “healthy oil”! Don’t fall for it.
Reason #2 — Vegetable oils contain oxidized “mutated fats” that are worse than trans fat & CAUSE heart attacks
All vegetable oils contain oxidized fats due to the refining process and chemical reactions with the polyunsaturated fat content of vegetable oils.
Expert Nutrition author, Catherine Shanahan, MD, calls the fats in vegetable oils “MegaTrans”, because they are similar in chemistry to trans fats, but even WORSE.
And MegaTrans from vegetable oils are found in almost ALL processed packaged foods, as well as virtually ALL restaurant fryers.
French Fries proven to immediately harm your arteries after eating them:
Free radicals formed during the refining of vegetable oils create these “mutant” fats, which damage your cell membranes & chromosomes, and create massive inflammation in your body .
The free radicals in vegetable oils also damage your arteries, which can directly lead to a heart attack . Please be aware that this isn’t just a long-term risk of eating vegetable oils daily.
There are also studies that show immediate dysfunction in your arteries, also called endothelial function.
Catherine Shanahan, MD, cites in her book Deep Nutrition a study from New Zealand that showed that subjects who ate french fries from a restaurant fryer displayed immediate harm to their endothelial function of their arteries, going from a normal 7% dilation before eating the french fries to almost NO dilation at all (only 1%) AFTER eating the french fries. This is one thing that can cause a heart attack.
If you think I’m exaggerating, think again…
Dr Shanahan also surveyed hundreds of patients that were admitted to the hospital for a heart attack, and discovered that every sing le patient that just had a heart attack had consumed foods made with vegetable oils with their last meal before the heart attack…Scary huh!
Think about THAT next time you order the fries with that sandwich on the menu! It really is THAT serious .
Always ask to replace french fries that come with most meals with side veggies, fruit, or a salad instead. That may very well be the difference between dying tomorrow or enjoying many more years on this beautiful planet.
Reason #3 — Vegetable oils cause massive imbalances with your Omega-6 to Omega-3 fats ratio
One of the other MAJOR reasons that vegetable oils are killing you is they are mostly made up of inflammatory omega-6 fats, while having very little anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats.
The healthiest ratio from the scientific literature appears to be a ratio of 2:1 or even 1:1 for your omega-6 to omega-3 ratio. However, most vegetable oils skew your ratio as high as 20:1 or even 30:1 in favor of harmful inflammatory omega-6 fats.
And worse yet, these omega-6 fats are NOT the innocent type found in nuts, they are the “mutant” damaged MegaTrans type that harm the tissues of your body.
This Omega fat imbalance can be YET another reason why vegetable oils lead to heart disease, cancer, obesity, and many other degenerative diseases that WILL shorten your life significantly if you don’t cut out the vegetable oils ASAP.
As a quick note, the solution to all of these major problems with vegetable oils is to use healthy oils like coconut oil, olive oil, macadamia oil, avocado oil, and grass-fed butter, all of which are MUCH healthier than vegetable oils and don’t cause any of the problems we’ve described in this section of the article.
The TRUTH about sugar… You can’t just “burn off” sugar…
You’ve heard a million times from health experts, bloggers, and on the news that sugar is terrible for you, but most people don’t truly understand WHY it’s so bad…
In fact, most people falsely think that if they eat sugar, they can just exercise a little bit harder that day or the next day so they can “burn it off”…
Unfortunately, that kind of thinking will lead you to an early grave.
It’s not as simple as just “burning off sugar”…
It’s about what sugar does internally to the cells of your body, and how sugar gums up your internal workings, causing disease.
Once again, I’m not exaggerating here, so pay close attention…
If you knew exactly why sugar is so bad for you and exactly what it does to your cells in your body, I promise that you would think twice about eating that piece of cake, candy, sugary soft drink, fruit juice, or ice cream, or feeding them to your children.
Here are just a few of the reasons that sugar is killing you…
Just like we talked about above with wheat, sugar also causes extreme fluctuations in your blood sugar, and excess blood sugar causes Glycation inside your body, which accelerates the rate of aging of your organs, skin, arteries, and joints .
Sugar also raises your triglycerides to dangerous levels, which can lead you to heart disease .
If that weren’t bad enough, eating sugar too frequently also causes type 2 diabetes in the long run because you wear out your pancreas and insulin sensitivity.
And if you need even MORE reasons why sugar will kill you, sugar also slows down your white blood cells , making infection more likely, and even allowing CANCER cells a better chance to form in your body.
Scary stuff huh!
Of course, you already know that sugar makes you fat, and gives you excess calories without any beneficial nutrients whatsoever.
To clarify , when we talk about how much damage sugar does to your body, we’re NOT talking about tiny amounts such as having 5 grams of sugar from a teaspoon of honey in your tea… Small amounts of natural sugar like that are not a problem.
The REAL damage occurs when you eat that piece of cake and ingest 40-50 grams of sugar in one sitting, or that bag of candy with 35+ grams of sugar, or that soft drink with 45 grams of sugar or more…
Or even that so-called “healthy” smoothie at the local smoothie shop that contains a whopping 80 grams of sugar because of all of the fruit syrups they use in them.
Now that you know why sugar, wheat, and vegetable oils are killing you and your family, maybe you’ll think twice about eating cereals, breads, bagels, muffins, candy, and processed foods or fried foods from restaurants that are cooked in vegetable oil.
Here are some examples of foods below that you might be eating and didn’t even realize they are making you fatter, and making your fat cells “sick”…
So-Called “Health Foods” That Are Causing You to GAIN More Body Fat?
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve walked into the kitchen of a client of mine that has hired me for nutritional counseling, and I’m shocked by what I see…
Almost every time, I see their kitchen cabinets and fridge LOADED with foods that they think are “healthy” (or have been deceived by clever food labels into believing are healthy), but in reality are fat-storing traps in disguise.
It’s not uncommon to see foods such as:
whole grain breads
whole grain cereals
whole grain crackers (more of that wheat that’s killing you)
soy milk
tofu or “veggie burgers” (non-fermented soy can be harmful to your hormones)
orange juice (loaded with too much fructose that raises your triglycerides)
apple juice
skim milk or homogenized milk
margarine (deadly trans fat or even “MegaTrans”)
pre-packaged “diet” dinners
sport drinks
protein bars (most are candy bars in disguise!)
overly processed meal replacements (with more junk than healthy ingredients)
rice cakes (massive blood sugar spike)
pasta (more wheat to age you faster)
diet ice cream or diet desserts
so-called “energy” drinks
low-fat foods (usually replaces fat with more sugar)
low-carb processed foods
soybean oil, corn oil, canola oil
etc, etc
I see this trend over and over again with almost every client when I first inspect their cabinets and the foods that they were buying that they thought were healthy.
What they don’t realize is that it’s these exact foods that are sabotaging their fat loss efforts, increasing their cravings, and throwing their hormones out of whack..
Here’s Your Simple Fat Loss Solution…
So how do you repair your damaged digestive system and start melting away your embarrassing belly fat , while also increasing your energy, & fighting joint pain?
The simplest way is to get rid of the foods you now KNOW are damaging your system.
Second, add “fermentable fibers” to your diet, which are also called prebiotics (sweet potato, yam, yucca, etc.) and eat a lot of fermented foods like kefir, sauerkraut, and certain types of yogurt (but most yogurts found in your grocery store are simply milk with sugar and are NOT healthy) You can also supplement with probiotics, but make sure to start slow and build up.
Third, better manage your stress through better sleep patterns, exercise, and breathing techniques. Stress is known to damage your gut , so the better you handle it, the healthier your gut will be.
Fourth, start adding Turmeric to your diet, either with supplements or sprinkling the spice on your food. Turmeric aids your liver in flushing out the toxic substances that have been building there due to your damaged gut. It also fights dangerous inflammation
But, most importantly, you should get rid of those “health foods” causing you all those problems, and start consuming the ACTUAL foods that help you BURN stubborn belly fat , fix your hormones, fight against Diabetes, and help you look and feel YEARS younger…
Which is why I’ve teamed up with expert nutrition researcher, Catherine Ebeling, and we’ve co-authored this new program for you:
The Fat Burning Kitchen
Your 24-Hour Diet Transformation to Make Your Body a Fat-Burning Machine
Inside this brand new manual, you’ll discover:
The true secret to making calorie-counting obsolete … this is the same principle that will automatically eliminate your cravings and control your appetite permanently (it’s the same reason that I personally haven’t had a real “craving” in at least 7 years) — pg 1-2
The truth about polyunsaturated fats (omega-6’s and omega-3’s) that most food companies don’t want you to know — pg.18
Which protein bars or energy bars are actually candy bars in disguise and which bars are actually good for you — pg.50
The real deal on saturated fat and cholesterol, and why they are essential in your diet — pg.59 (Without enough saturated fats and cholesterol in your diet, you can actually HARM your hormone balance)
The “whole grain” deception and why whole grain crackers, breads, and cereals are packing more bodyfat on you — pg.9
Why that skim milk may not be so good for you after all, and the dirty truth about homogenized milk too — pg.29
The one time when tilapia and salmon are NOT health foods (plus the best alternatives) — pg.36
A healthy fat-burning burger option? Yes — pg.60
Why soymilk, tofu, and veggie burgers could be increasing your belly fat — pg.41
Are sports drinks stifling your fat-burning and making you AGE faster? — pg.46
The ONLY truly healthy options for sweeteners … even non-caloric sweeteners — pg.83
A surprisingly healthy fat in some animal products that actually helps you burn fat & build muscle (it even helps to fight cancer) — pg.60
Why egg whites are actually WORSE for you than whole eggs — pg.65
Do diet sodas and other diet drinks hurt your fat loss efforts? — pg.22
Is whole milk actually better for you than skim milk? There’s more to the story — pg.67
A type of saturated fat that actually helps to stimulate your metabolism — pg. 112
The one time when delicious creamy chocolate can even help to prevent your sweet tooth cravings (It even helps improve your blood pressure too!) — pg.88
Does green tea or oolong tea really increase your metabolism and help fat loss? The truth — pg.90
Which fruits & veggies are okay to choose non-organic — pg.94
…and TONS more secrets to help you permanently transform your diet to force your body to burn fat more effectively, while also preventing diabetes.
Did you know…
One of your body’s main fat-burning hormones DECREASES when you go on a diet?
Research has shown that this important hormone drops by as much as 50% after just 7 days of dieting!
The worst part is, the longer you try to diet, the worse it gets, which is why many “serial dieters” constantly struggle to keep the weight off (if they lose it at all…)
The good news is we’re going to share the nutrition tricks to INCREASE your body’s natural fat-burning hormones safely and naturally!
Imagine waking up every morning FULL of energy, heading to the bathroom and looking at your reflection in the mirror and actually LOVING what you see…
… Now imagine heading to your kitchen and actually feeling good about the food and drinks you see in your refrigerator and cupboard — no more struggling trying to understand what’s healthy, what’s unhealthy, what’s going to help you lose weight, what’s going to make you gain weight…
… whether a certain food fits in to the latest and greatest diet fad of the month (they seem to pop up every month, right?).
Imagine how great you’ll look and feel when you KNOW the foods that are actually good for you, that boost your metabolism , heal your joints, MELT away stubborn fat , and FIGHT aging are actually DELICIOUS, loaded with nutrition, and satisfy your appetite!
Not only are you going to finally discover the truth about the foods in your kitchen and grocery store, but you’re also going to:
Discover how protein from these specific types of animals, not ony HELP you burn fat and gain muscle, but are also high in heart-healthy fatty acids (I bet you didn’t know THIS)
Delicious, nutritious, and mouth-watering meal ideas that not only satisfy your appetite (which STOPS dangerous cravings), but also burn stomach fat and FIGHT aging
The 3 BEST types of wild-caught fish (a couple probably aren’t what you think), as well as a specific type of fish you should NEVER eat
The truth about EGGS – the media makes it very difficult to understand whether you should or should not eat eggs… and why. Discover the truth about eggs, and why you should begin eating them regularly (but you must discover WHY first)
Like cheese? You’re about to discover one of the BEST appetite-suppressants around… but you need to eat these specific types of cheese to get the benefit
Coconut oil and stomach fat? The truth about coconut oil may surprise you!
The best type of NUTS for fat loss – CAUTION: some of the most popular types of nuts found in grocery stores are NOT healthy, and actually CAUSE weight gain , but others are PROVEN in studies to reduce abdominal fat, balance blood sugar, and more!
Discover “nature’s vaso-dilator” and how this 1 nutrient can drastically improve blood flow and circulation, which not only helps your heart, but also boosts your energy levels
Discover how 1 very FATTY food actually helps your body burn MORE fat – very odd, but scientifically proven. This food is also GREAT for your brain, and makes a great snack for kids and toddlers.
The BEST sweeteners to add to your food and drinks. You know that sugar is horrible for your waistline and health, but do you know the best things to use instead that add mouth-watering sweetness to your morning coffee, cereals, and desserts? Yes, you CAN enjoy your morning coffee while getting incredible health benefits from it too! Coffee is a rich source of powerful anti-aging antioxidants, but most people make it WRONG.
Discover how chocolate can be enjoyed on a daily basis! This tip not only helps you LOSE fat, but also FIGHTS the aging process! Eat up and enjoy… but you must discover the very specific TYPE of chocolate first.
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I’m confident that you’ll LOVE the unique nutrition tips and ideas that you’ll gain through this program… You can say goodbye to cravings forever and start eating the right way to turn your body into a fat-burning machine 24/7!
By eating the foods in this program, you’ll also naturally prevent cancer from forming in your body, reduce your risk from ever developing deadly heart disease to almost zero , and keep your cholesterol ratios and blood pressure normalized!
Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Author – Worldwide best seller: The Truth about Six Pack Abs (over 739,000 readers in 163 countries) & The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging 17:44:072020-04-25 17:44:07How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
“Stress is the trash of modern life – we all generate it, but if you don’t dispose of it properly, it will pile up and overtake your life.” ― Danzae Pace
Did you know that deep in your gut lies a highly sophisticated network made up of hundreds of millions of nerve cells and neurons?
The stomach, as well as the small and large intestine, collectively form what’s known as the gut. And inside the layers of your gut, you’ll find that amazingly complex neural network.
What’s even more amazing is that this superhighway inside your gut directly connects to your central nervous system.
Structurally speaking, this network is roughly the same as a cat’s brain. And there’s enough neuron diversity to rival that of a pig’s brain.
This is what doctors call the enteric nervous system (ENS). While this “little brain” inside your gut shares a connection with your big brain, it also works independently.
The ENS quietly runs show the down below, telling your digestive system what to do. It’s in charge of crucial metabolic functions that help you break down food and utilize their energy.
Furthermore, this little brain also controls your gut barrier which is a layer of mucus, acid, enzymes, a protective cell wall and trillions of friendly bacteria. This layer is your first line of defense against unfriendly invaders like toxic substances or bacteria.
On a broader scale, most folks don’t realize nor appreciate the incredibly complicated processes happening in this crucial region.
For one thing, they don’t understand the effect of specific foods on their gut.
What we eat is ultimately absorbed in that region, creating a chain reaction in our body.
Certain types of food will set off a series of either positive or negative events which start at the gut. Soon enough, your brain and the rest of your body will feel the effects of your food choices.
Doctors previously thought that it was external stress that triggered gastrointestinal conditions like excessive gas, diarrhea and indigestion.
But recent research shows that the gut-brain connection is actually a two-way street.
So, whatevers going on in your gut can influence your entire physical being, along with your brain.
In fact, many experts believe that proper nutrition is the best way to address mental health issues like anxiety and depression.
Studies have confirmed this hidden connection between the gut and the brain…
…such as research by the Central Food Technological Research Institute in India, and the University of Bristol in the U.K.
According to them, changing the way you eat can have a profound effect on your mental well-being, and your life in general.
Happiness is a Gut Feeling
This has a lot to do with the fact that your gut produces a good chunk of happy chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin.
These are called neurotransmitters which are chiefly responsible for fighting feelings of hopelessness and depression.
As such, your body needs high-quality food to improve your emotional state. Whole, unprocessed foods contain specific compounds that make up the secret recipe to make you feel better.
It feeds friendly bacteria in your gut, which in turn, allows them to do their job and flood your system with those feel-good neurotransmitters.
Not only that, a balanced gut means better immunity (i.e., a stronger gut barrier) which adds up to a happier, healthier you.
Here are the Top 20 Superfoods to Keep Your Gut and Brain Happy:
#1: Asparagus
This vegetable is high in folic acid which can help relieve symptoms of depression. Asparagus also contains protein, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin K, calcium, magnesium and copper.
#2: Avocado
This fruit is rich in heart-friendly monounsaturated fat. It also contains vitamin B which benefits your nerves and brain cells, and reduces stress. Potassium helps by lowering your blood pressure.
#3: Almonds
This brain food is big on vitamins B2 and E. They strengthen immunity which is handy when you’re having a crazy week. Vitamin E fights inflammation, takes care of your heart and protects your skin from sun damage. It’s also linked to preventing Alzheimer’s disease too!
#4: Berries
Whether you fancy blackberries, blueberries, raspberries or strawberries, you can’t go wrong with these sweet treats. They fight stress with their antioxidants which slow down aging – and may even prevent cancer. They also promote good gut health and keep your blood sugar levels stable.
#5: Salmon
Omega-3 fatty acids are one of nature’s top antidepressants. They’re crucial for brain health and regulate stress-related hormones such as cortisol.
#6: Spinach
Leafy greens aren’t just great for dealing with oxidative stress, but also for making you feel like a million bucks. You have magnesium to thank for that – this mineral also keeps your stress hormones in check.
#7: Coconut
This superfood is rich in MCTs, or medium-chain triglycerides, which are an excellent fuel for your brain and body. It also has antioxidant properties which heal your immune system and protect your mind. Best of all, MCTs are excellent at improving your digestion and overall mood.
#8: Thyme
Thyme is a famous herb known for its healing effects, especially when it comes to respiratory conditions like bronchitis. It’s also known for fighting cancer because of its plant-based compound called carvacrol. Thyme is an excellent antidepressant as it promotes dopamine and serotonin production.
#9: Walnuts
Yet another omega 3-rich food, this brain-friendly nut is effective at fighting depression. Other benefits include lower risk of cancer, a healthier heart, and better weight control.
#10: Pumpkin Seeds
This one contains magnesium which reduces stress and anxiety by naturally decreasing muscle tension. It’s also rich in zinc, another mineral that keeps you cheerful and regulates your emotions.
#11: Eggs
Often labeled as “nature’s perfect food,” eggs are jam-packed with vitamins B12 and protein. They’re a great mood booster too, thanks to the L-Tryptophan and choline. These trigger the production of feel-good neurotransmitters like acetylcholine.
#12: Ghee
Also known as clarified butter, ghee is associated with ancient medicine. It can heal your gut and promote proper digestion, thanks mostly to butyric acid. Better digestion leads to a better emotional state – this makes ghee one of the top anti-depression foods.
#13: Kiwi Fruit
This is full of vitamin C which boosts immunity, along with zeaxanthin and lutein which are good for the eyes. It also improves digestion and helps you metabolize food more efficiently. Its antioxidants are great at reducing free radicals which accumulate from the stress from daily life.
#14: Turkey
Like the other amino acid-rich foods on this list, turkey promotes neurotransmitter production. This includes serotonin, which is a great mood-booster. If you’re wondering why everyone’s so chill after Thanksgiving, it just might be this famous holiday dish.
#15: Dark Chocolate
Chocolate in general is known to improve one’s emotional state, but the dark variety is healthier. It contains excellent antioxidants which fight cancer and help you feel better. Remember, the key is to consume this in moderate amounts to avoid spiking your blood sugar levels.
#16: Garlic
This is well-known cancer-fighting food, and it contains good stuff like phytonutrients and antioxidants. It’s also full of heart and brain-boosting minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium and zinc.
#17: Cashew Nuts
This makes for a tasty snack that does more than satisfy your taste buds. It also provides proper amounts of protein and zinc which reduces anxiety and stress.
#18: Yogurt
When it comes to good gut health, probiotics is the name of the game. This food is rich in friendly bacteria that benefits your gut. By having a serving of yogurt, you can replenish your all-important intestinal flora which is crucial to excellent digestion. Plus, a healthy gut allows your body to produce those neurotransmitters to keep you happy.
#19: Turmeric
This is an ancient spice that has potent healing properties. For instance, it’s effective at fighting free radicals which damage cells and cause cancer. It’s also rich in anti-inflammatory compounds – this is important in preventing anything from heart problems to brain disease like dementia.
Speaking of which, turmeric also slows down brain cell aging. This prevents conditions like Alzheimer’s as well as improve mental health.
#20: Cinnamon
The unique aroma from this spice has been known to reduce stress and anxiety. Not only that, a small amount of cinnamon packs a potent serving of antioxidants which lower the risk of cancer. Better yet, it’s also excellent at keeping your blood sugar levels stable. This, in turn, manages insulin production and prevent illnesses like diabetes and cancer.
Don’t let Stress (or Disease) Dictate Your Life
The sooner you make these foods a part of your regular diet, the easier you can manage your stress levels – especially during a crazy day.
However, it’s also crucial that you make changes to your general lifestyle, such as your eating habits.
And while eating these calming foods is the start of a healthier, low-stress lifestyle…
…it’s also vital to understand how our food choices affect us on a larger scale.
A reasonable, nourishing diet can provide you with the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
Not only does this help you beat anxiety, depression and high levels of stress – it also keeps serious problems at bay, like chronic systemic inflammation, autoimmune disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer.
Too often, we’re seduced by the allure of cheap, convenient processed food. They’re readily available and seem to fit our busy lives, but we’re overlooking its consequences.
Sugar-laden treats like donuts and soda, for instance, trigger conditions like insulin resistance which leads to obesity and other life-threatening issues.
Meanwhile, deep-fried fast food sends our triglyceride levels through the roof and pollute our bloodstream with harmful fats.
Most of us take these clear and present dangers for granted, and we’re paying a high price for it.
I have been taking Vitamin C to prevent colds and the flu the 70’s, when Linus Pauling declared vitamin C’s ability to defeat the common cold. I have always thought it helped prevent or shorten any illness. Since then, it’s been a hotly debated subject as to how effective it actually is for preventing colds, influenza and even Covid-19 virus. Personally, I am a believer.
Vitamin C is a very potent antioxidant that protects against free radicals that can lower your immunity, and increase the risk of chronic disease, as well as speed up the aging process.
Vitamin C does help the immune system protect against viral infections and other types of infections more efficiently. It does this by strengthening the function of our innate immune system, which is our first line of defense against bacteria and viruses—especially those we have never encountered before, like new strains of influenza and the novel Covid-19 virus.
In addition, vitamin C also activates the adaptive immune system responses to increase levels of antibodies which attack specific types of germs, bacteria and viruses that the body has previously fought off.
One of the hallmark signs of vitamin C deficiency is a weakened immune system. A study out of Switzerland found that getting adequate levels of vitamin C can help reduce the symptoms and duration of respiratory infections, such as the common cold, bronchitis, or sinusitis. And, when combined with zinc, more importantly, it can also prevent or improve outcomes of pneumonia, malaria and diarrhea infections as well.
Some of the most convincing evidence of vitamin C’s ability to fight respiratory infections comes from a large study of 29 randomized trials that included more than 11,000 participants. Researchers found that active athletes who exercised in cold weather cut their risk of respiratory infections in half by taking only 200mg of vitamin C a day. Taking just 200mg of vitamin C per day also reduced the duration of the cold and flu symptoms significantly, helping people return to work and their lives more quickly.
Vitamin C is also effective at both preventing cancer cells and stopping their spread. A study from Finland shows vitamin C’s ability to help prevent heart disease—people who took 700mg of vitamin C a day had a 25% lower chance of developing heart disease, as well as lowering both triglycerides and levels of (bad) LDL cholesterol.
Unfortunately, humans are one of the only species who cannot create vitamin C in their bodies. So we must get it from our diets and supplementation. Vitamin C is also water soluble, so it easily washes out of the body. If you want the benefits of vitamin C, you’ll need to consume it daily, and not just at the start of getting sick.
While high doses of vitamin C may be effective at helping with some health issues, most of the vitamin C over 400 mg may get washed out in the urine. High doses of vitamin C work best in divided doses throughout the day, otherwise, it may cause digestive upset and diarrhea.
A recent study published in Seminars in Preventive and Alternative Medicine looked at over 100 studies and found a growing list of benefits of vitamin C. Some of those health benefits include:
• Protecting against heart disease, high blood pressure and strokes
• Lowering bad cholesterol levels including LDL and triglycerides
• Helping prevent cataracts and macular degeneration
• Reducing aging by building up collagen that prevents wrinkles
• Protecting the kidneys, eyes and blood vessels of those with diabetes
• Enhancing the absorption of iron, preventing anemia
• Reducing histamine reactions, lessening the symptoms of allergies and inflammation
• Preventing seasickness
• Strengthening and helping repair tendons, ligaments, and cartilage in the body.
Since we don’t make vitamin C, it’s easy to become deficient in it. Some of the signs of low vitamin C include:
• Bruising
• Swollen or bleeding gums
• Slow wound healing
• Dry hair
• Rough scaly skin
• Nosebleeds
• Weak immune system, frequent colds and flu
• Digestive disorders like leaky gut and food allergies
• High blood pressure and heart disease
Because the vitamin C in foods is accompanied by a host of other healthy antioxidants and super nutrients, it’s best to eat foods with high vitamin C content. Some of the highest levels of vitamin C in foods include all forms of citrus fruits, kiwi, peppers—especially red peppers, papaya, strawberries, broccoli, tomatoes, kale, guava, and mango. But it’s easy to get plenty of healthful vitamin C just by choosing a wide variety of organic, brightly colored vegetables. Keep in mind that overcooking destroys the vitamin C, so cook lightly or eat raw.
However, you should probably still consider supplementing to achieve the optimal protective levels of vitamin C in your body. While high doses are generally safe, it is still important not to exceed the and upper limit of about 2,000 milligrams a day to avoid adverse digestive symptoms such as stomach upset and diarrhea.
Liposomal (or pro-liposomal) vitamin C is a brand new highly absorbable option for high-dose vitamin C. When you take the common form of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) only about 14-30% of it is actually absorbed in the body. And the absorption rate goes down, the higher the dosage. Dosage of standard forms of vitamin C are only about 200-1,000 mg/day but with liposomal vitamin C you can safely take 1000-2000mg a day and know it will all be absorbed.
This is where liposomal vitamin C has an advantage.
Liposomes are particular microscopic spheres that carry vitamin C at their core. Their absorption does not depend on vitamin C transporters, but rather on the direct fusion of the liposome with the small intestinal cells resulting in direct intracellular (inside the cells) release of the vitamin C and eventually into the blood circulation. Liposomal vitamin C has a substantially improved rate of absorption than conventional vitamin C supplements which further magnifies all the health benefits of vitamin C.
Experts agree that Vitamin C, in combination with a healthy lifestyle, can boost your immune system and help prevent colds and flu, or shorten the duration.
Our friends at PaleoValley have come up with a product they call Essential C Complex, and it’s much more than your average Vitamin C supplement. It contains 3 different sources of natural Vitamin C, delivering your body 750% of the daily recommended value. 17:56:082020-04-18 17:56:08Are You Getting Enough Vitamin C to Maximize Your Immune System
This list is not all encompassing AND the ones we do list can be viewed, or interpreted, in different ways. That being said here are the many benefits that may come with being slimmer. Lets stress this point – – a healthy slim and not unhealthy skinny!
1. Breathing is easy
Most thin people don’t worry about breathing. If they exercise regularly, they don’t even breathe hard when engaging in physical activity. A low-fat-content body allows for free expansion of the rib cage and leaves space for the diaphragm to move downward as it should. In addition, the lungs are clear of fat, and that allows a free exchange of oxygen. Trim folks breathe easier metaphorically as well, because they are less likely to be concerned about health issues.
2. Walking is effortless
Many slim people are avid runners and walkers. Being light permits fluid movement, and joints don’t take much pounding. Maintaining a low-fat diet helps avoid chronic ailments like osteoarthritis, which can dramatically affect walking. Walking is a freeing and healthful activity, and being able to do it well enhances quality of life.
3. You are more agile
Slender individuals are able to perform many tasks easily, like file their toenails, tie their shoes, or put on their socks while standing up. Maintaining a small midsection makes stooping and bending much easier and permits involvement in activities that make the appearance of a pot gut is less likely.
4. Heart disease is less common
Leanness relieves pressure on the heart, lungs, and other internal organs. Trim folks have fewer incidences of heart disease and strokes than their overweight contemporaries. Shedding pounds results in a healthier body and a happier life.
5. Premature death is less likely
That lighter people live longer is well documented. Arguments to the contrary do exist, though, so I’ll leave it to you to decide whom to believe. Anyone who has visited an assisted-living facility knows that thin folks predominate there. At that point, the rotund individuals have passed on.
6. Back pain is uncommon
Few slender people suffer from chronic back pain. Losing weight relieves stress on the back muscles, and the result is pain-free movement. And when thin people do injure their backs, their recovery times are markedly less.
7. Organs remain stone-free
Being thin helps you avoid many painful experiences, including kidney and gall stones. With a proper diet, such dolorous moments are avoidable. A balanced regime of raw vegetables, fibrous fruits, lean poultry, omega-3-rich fish, low-fat dairy, low-or-no-sugar choices, caffeine-free coffee and chocolate, and pure water will keep you stone free. (Adding turmeric and dandelion root to your shopping list also won’t hurt!)
8. Helps relieve depression
For the most part, thin people feel physically good, and that helps them resist depression. Sure, depression and anxiety attack people indiscriminately, but slim folks aren’t forced to deal so directly with social rejection, job discrimination, feeling unattractive, and the other burdens of being overweight. Having a stable body chemistry contributes to warding off depression, and being as attractive as you can be supports depression resistance as well.
9. Diabetes is the exception rather than the rule
Wholesome food, consistent exercise, and moderate thinness all lower the chances of getting diabetes. An epidemic of type-2 diabetes is underway in the United States, and experts expect it to worsen. I know a couple of dozen diabetics, and only one of them is thin. Being thin dramatically reduces the risk of contracting diabetes and makes living with the disease less complicated.
10. Clothing fits
Thin people find clothing that fits them right on the rack, and they look great in it. Some retailers have added clothing lines for large men and women, but most of them produce apparel for folks with mainstream bodies. Being thin also pays off financially, because you are better able to take advantage of sales and avoid special tailoring.
11. The opposite sex seeks your company
Many people prefer pairing up with someone thin. A few men and women prefer heavyset partners, but most seek potential mates with physical characteristics that fit more standard notions of attractiveness, namely, the slenderer versions.
12. You command respect
Maintaining self-respect and enjoying the respect of others go hand in hand. When your physical appearance places you firmly in the norm of mainstream society, finding and keeping friends is easier. Having strong self-esteem is attractive, and others want to share in it.
13. You gain acceptance in the workplace
Many employers tend to hire attractive people to work for them. Right or wrong, physical appearance weighs heavily in their hiring decisions. Most people look better thin, and enterprising bosses want the sharpest-looking, fastest-moving crew they can find.
14. Meeting and keeping friends is easy
People tend to befriend folks that they are pleased to introduce to others. Eventually, this may change, but until it does, the reality is that making friends is easier when you’re thin.
15. You fit into seats of airplanes, theaters, and cars
Most of us take for granted that we will be able to use public transportation, ride in automobiles, and sit in theaters without much fuss. Thin folks don’t have to think about whether they can do these things or worry about inconveniencing those around them in the process.
16. Your feet remain healthy
Feet break down for many reasons, but being overweight is the principal one. Thin people suffer far less from such problems than heavier ones, and the bones and cartilage in their feet last longer. Relieving the feet of extra weight renders pain-free movement and helps prevent the breakdown of arches.
17. You have no double chin
For the most part, thinner folks’ jowls are less fleshy. When you lose weight, usually the double chin is the last thing to go. To make it disappear, you have to lose all of the excess pounds. Your chin is the first place to receive extra weight and last one to lose it.
18. Knee and hip replacements are less likely
Every year, thousands of individuals seek hip and knee replacements, and only a few of them are thin. Being trim relieves the joints that support the body, obviating such operations.
19. Body odor decreases
Thin people don’t necessarily have less body odor than anyone else, but they perspire less and lack the folds of skin that decrease air flow around the body. Thus, they tend to have less body odor. In addition, thin people are energetic and may be more inclined to bathe and change clothes as often as is necessary to eliminate odors.
20. Life quality is better
When you are thin, people respond to you more positively, illnesses are infrequent, getting around is effortless, you look better, and you have more energy. Life quality is a compilation of all of the other points on this list, and along with happiness, is what we all seek.
Many other advantages exist to being thin. If you allow your imagination to run, you can easily come up with scads of activities that are difficult for overweight folks and easy for thin ones. Overweight people are traumatized in multiple physical and emotional ways, and their slender counterparts remain relatively free of such problems.
Losing weight and being thin are keys to maintaining a healthy body and a healthful existence. When your body is in balance, everything improves, including relationships, participation in sports, wellness, and self-esteem. Nothing changes a life so much as embarking on a path of sound diet and consistent exercise. Get thin, and enjoy yourself like never before! 02:39:542020-05-23 17:51:58What are the Advantages To Being Thin?
First take nostalgic trip back to biology 101 when you learned that your body is home to trillions of bacteria, viruses and fungi. You probably said that sounds kind of gross, but it’s actually super amazing. Here’s everything you’ve always wanted to know about your microbiome.
What IS a microbiome?
“The microbiome is the collection of trillions of microorganisms that live in and on our body,” nutritional scientist Dr. Tracy Shafizadeh tells us. “The majority of microorganisms are bacteria; some good and some bad.” And while these microorganisms live all over the body, recent research has revealed that the ones found in your gut (aka the gut microbiome) are especially important to your overall health.
So, why is the gut microbiome so important?
Well, the gut microbiome is related to conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, colitis and acid reflux. “A lot of research going on right now is connecting gut health with autoimmune disease, neurodegenerative disorder, heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity,” explains Dr. Erika Angle, biochemist and CEO of gut microbiome test Ixcela. “The gut microbiome is such a hot area now because people are realizing it’s not just its own system. It’s actually linked to your brain health, emotional health, cardiovascular health and other systems, as well.” Yikes is right!
Can you tell if your gut health is out of whack?
There are the obvious clues that something’s not quite right (like chronic tummy aches, IBS, constipation and diarrhea), and then there are some more scientific methods, Dr. Angle says. By identifying which bacteria are produced by the gut and in what amounts, you can potentially determine whether they’re functioning in the way that they should be. Companies like Viome and Ixcela offer users at-home microbiome tests that aim to do exactly that, by analyzing blood or stool samples to give health and diet insights.
You CAN create a healthier microbiome?
While there are some factors that influence your gut health that are out of your control (like genetics or having taken antibiotics as a child), there are plenty of things you can do to change your gut microbiome. That’s because your gut is a competitive environment, which means that you can give an advantage to the good bacteria over the bad bacteria by feeding them a certain way. Factors that can help the good guys? A healthy and varied diet rich in nutrients, supplements (oh hey, probiotics) and exercise, Dr. Angle says. And in even better news, a recent study published in Science magazine found that tea, coffee and wine can also help improve the diversity of gut microbes. (BRB, pouring yourself a glass of Cab Sav.)
So, you’ve decided to tackle your gut health. When will you see results?
Not in day. If you eat a giant bowl of probiotic-rich yogurt in the morning , don’t expect your gut microbiome to change overnight. “You can see some changes after about a month or so, but it takes about two to three months for the gut bacteria to really shift,” Dr. Angle tells us. But hey, there’s no harm in enjoying a Greek yogurt parfait the meantime. (Just go easy on the sugar, OK?) 21:09:452020-01-16 21:09:45Why Would 3 Nutritionists All Say the Same Thing About Keeping Your Gut Healthy?
The gut microbiota consists of the collection of microbes within the intestine, previously considered of little influence from a mental health perspective, but now regarded as a “virtual organ” weighing up to 1.5 kg in the adult intestine and producing molecules of primary importance for brain function and psychological well‐being1.There are more bacteria in the human intestine than there are human cells in the body, and we feed these bacteria, while in turn they play a fundamental role in maintaining our overall health. The large intestine functions like a fermenter producing a variety of molecules, including most common neurotransmitters such as gamma‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) and serotonin, the serotonin precursor tryptophan, and the short chain fatty acids butyrate, propionate and acetate2.
There are a variety of mechanisms enabling the gut microbes to communicate with the brain. These include the vagus nerve, short chain fatty acids, tryptophan and cytokines3. Certain microbes can only act centrally when the vagus nerve is intact, and can no longer do so following vagotomy. Previously, tryptophan was viewed as entirely of dietary origin, while now it has been established that it is also synthesized by Bifidobacteria and enters the bloodstream, becoming available for brain entry and subsequent serotonin synthesis.
The gut microbiota has been implicated in a wide variety of neurological and psychiatric disorders, including Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, depression, anxiety disorders and autism4. Much of what we know regarding the importance of gut microbes for brain function has been derived from studying germ‐free animals, which do not have a gut microbiota. Such animals have an altered central serotonergic system, decreased dendritic spines in various brain regions, lower levels of trophic factors, along with abnormal neuron formation from progenitor cells in the hippocampus, altered myelination patterns in prefrontal cortex, and a defective blood‐brain barrier.
Until relatively recently, the importance of the gut‐brain‐microbiota axis as a fundamental component of the stress response has largely been ignored. O’Mahony et al5 studied the gut microbiota in a maternal separation model of depression in rats. They reported an elevation in corticosterone in such animals, together with an increase in pro‐inflammatory cytokines and a decrease in the diversity of gut microbes.
The fecal microbiota was then sequenced in a depression study6. Forty‐six patients with depression and 30 healthy controls were recruited. High‐throughput pyrosequencing showed increased faecal bacterial diversity in those currently depressed, but not in a group who had responded to treatment. This suggests that increased diversity is a state rather than trait marker for depression. Despite the extensive inter‐individual variability, levels of several predominant genera differed between depressed patients and controls. The former had increased levels of Enterobacteriaceae and Alistipes, but reduced levels of Faecalibacterium.
In a study conducted at APC Microbiome Ireland, depressed patients had elevated cortisol output together with decreased faecal microbial richness. When rats were given a humanized microbiota from depressed patients, as opposed to healthy controls, they developed a depressive phenotype from both a behavioral and immune perspective7.
Thus, there is increasing evidence that some psychiatric disorders such as depression may be associated with a gut dysbiosis, a microbial imbalance.
Several studies have investigated the microbiome composition in patients with bipolar disorder8. The first published study involved 115 patients and reported decreased levels of Faecalibacterium. This finding was replicated in an Austrian study of 32 patients. However, a Danish study of 113 patients with newly‐diagnosed bipolar disorder compared to unaffected first‐degree relatives and healthy individuals found no differences in Faecalibacterium, while Flavonifractor, a bacterial genus that may induce oxidative stress and inflammation, was associated with the disorder.
Interestingly, two recent clinical trials have demonstrated a beneficial effect of adjunctive psychobiotics in patients with bipolar disorder. One was an uncontrolled pilot study which reported cognitive improvements in 20 remitted individuals following three months consumption of nine different strains of Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium. The second was a randomized controlled trial involving 66 patients who had recently been hospitalized for mania. After discharge, these patients were randomly assigned to receive 24 weeks of an adjunctive Lactobacillus/Bifidobacterium combination or placebo. Re‐hospitalization rates were significantly lower in those individuals who were taking the psychobiotic. Thus, preliminary data support the view that probiotics of the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium genera hold therapeutic potential in bipolar disorder.
Unlike genes in human cells, we can readily change genes in our microbiota by altering diet. There is increasing evidence that a poor quality diet may bring about the altered microbiota observed in mood disorders. Narrowing of dietary diversity with reduced intake of essential nutrients can reduce the availability of substrates for specific microbial growth and this may contribute to the intestinal dysbiosis of depression and other psychiatric disorders.
Over recent decades, dietary patterns in the West and elsewhere have undergone major compositional changes, with increased intakes of red meat, high fat foods, and refined sugars. This “Westernization” of diets results in dysbiosis, which may at least partially contribute to the increasing incidence of chronic inflammatory disorders, such as depression. The Mediterranean diet is associated with lower rates of depression and impacts optimally on the gut microbiota. Preliminary evidence indicates that such a diet may have antidepressant effects.
Individuals with depression or vulnerability to depression should be encouraged to enhance a plant‐based diet with a high content of grains and fibres9. A decreased consumption of red meat, especially of processed meat, and a regular intake of fish and fermented foods, is optimal from a mental health perspective. The intake of refined sugars should be restricted.
Incorporating the gut microbiota in our studies of stress‐related psychiatric illnesses expands the range of therapeutic targets, not only for pharmacological interventions, but also for nutritional ones. This may be one of the missing links that have restricted therapeutic advances in psychiatry during the past decades. 00:56:422020-01-15 17:46:34Gut microbiota: a missing link in psychiatry
When talking about gut health one can’t state that all diseases start in the gut however a very large majority of them have one root cause. The health of our digestive system can be the root cause of a variety of health concerns. The digestive system, or gut, is the home of a variety of bacteria, fungi, and viruses that live in a harmonious balance. This harmony can be disrupted by stress, food allergens, toxins, poor diet, infections and more!
Have you ever felt like you gained 5 lbs by the end of the day because you’re bloated? Or experienced brain fog and fatigue after a meal? Or maybe heartburn? These are all signs that there is some sort of imbalance going on underneath. Making some positive dietary changes and using natural therapies can help alleviate such symptoms, instead of resorting to over-the-counter medications. Remember, some of the medications we use can actually cause imbalances in gut health.
When gut health is poor, one can also experience:
Mood imbalances
Poor immune system
Weight gain or resistant weight
Poor Sleep Quality
A few ways to support a healthy gut:
1. Eat organic
Buy locally grown organic produce. Glyphosate in pesticides causes an imbalance in the gut environment which can lead to leaky gut and food sensitivities/allergies, like gluten intolerance.
2. Eat pre-biotic rich foods, like garlic, onions, leeks, and apple cider vinegar.
Prebiotics are just as important as probiotics. Probiotics are live “good” bacteria and prebiotics are the ‘food’ that helps good bacteria flourish in our gut.
Probiotics are a great for re-balancing gut flora but it’s important to ask your naturopathic doctor which one is best for you.
3. Eliminate food allergens
Removing foods that aggravate your symptoms will allow your body to start healing. You’re essentially removing the fuel from the fire.
4. Manage stress
Stress affects the entire body including the digestive system. Try managing stress though meditation, yoga, energy medicine, hanging out with loved ones, spending time outdoors. 23:49:582020-01-15 17:47:13Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Gut 22:53:052020-01-15 17:47:22The Importance of a Healthy Gut Facts